ShowingFacing : WestHow much sun : Light shadeCollections : Extend The SeasonSoil pH : AlkalineSupplied As : PottedSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballPot Size : 1 - 5L PotDeciduous Or Evergreen : Semi-EvergreenEvergreen/Deciduous : Semi-evergreenSowing month outside : OctoberSoil moisture : Normalclear all
ShowingFacing : WestHow much sun : Light shadeCollections : Extend The SeasonSoil pH : AlkalineSupplied As : PottedSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballPot Size : 1 - 5L PotDeciduous Or Evergreen : Semi-EvergreenEvergreen/Deciduous : Semi-evergreenSowing month outside : OctoberSoil moisture : Normalclear all