ShowingHow much sun : SunCollections : Extend The SeasonSoil pH : AlkalineSupplied As : PottedEventual Spread : 0.6m-0.9mSeason of Interest : SpringFlower Colour : WhiteDeciduous Or Evergreen : EvergreenSpecial features : Plants that show resistance to deer and rabbitsLeaf colour : GreenSoil moisture : Normalclear all
ShowingHow much sun : SunCollections : Extend The SeasonSoil pH : AlkalineSupplied As : PottedEventual Spread : 0.6m-0.9mSeason of Interest : SpringFlower Colour : WhiteDeciduous Or Evergreen : EvergreenSpecial features : Plants that show resistance to deer and rabbitsLeaf colour : GreenSoil moisture : Normalclear all