ShowingHow much sun : SunSpecial conditions : Dry sunSelected Discounts : 50% off selected (set 1)Collections : Early Spring ColourSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousSoil pH : AlkalineFragrance : All scented flowersPot Size : 10 - 15L PotSeason of Interest : WinterSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all
ShowingHow much sun : SunSpecial conditions : Dry sunSelected Discounts : 50% off selected (set 1)Collections : Early Spring ColourSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousSoil pH : AlkalineFragrance : All scented flowersPot Size : 10 - 15L PotSeason of Interest : WinterSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all