ShowingFacing : SouthSpecial conditions : Dry sunSelected Discounts : 50% off selected (set 1)Flower Colour : PinkSpecial features : Tough plants that are harder to killWinter Plant Sale : ShrubsSoil pH : Don't knowAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to butterflies and mothsFragrance : All scented flowersSeason of Interest : SpringLeaf colour : Greenclear all
ShowingFacing : SouthSpecial conditions : Dry sunSelected Discounts : 50% off selected (set 1)Flower Colour : PinkSpecial features : Tough plants that are harder to killWinter Plant Sale : ShrubsSoil pH : Don't knowAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to butterflies and mothsFragrance : All scented flowersSeason of Interest : SpringLeaf colour : Greenclear all