ShowingHow much sun : SunFacing : WestSoil pH : AcidEventual Spread : 0.6m-0.9mEvergreen/Deciduous : EvergreenAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to wildlifeSpecial features : Stylish in the borderDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousCollections : 9cm PlantsSeason of Interest : SummerSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all
ShowingHow much sun : SunFacing : WestSoil pH : AcidEventual Spread : 0.6m-0.9mEvergreen/Deciduous : EvergreenAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to wildlifeSpecial features : Stylish in the borderDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousCollections : 9cm PlantsSeason of Interest : SummerSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all