ShowingDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousCollections : 9cm PerennialsSpecial features : Non poisonousEventual Height : 1m-2mSeason of Interest : AutumnSupplied As : PottedEventual Spread : 0.3m-0.6mAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to wildlifeSoil moisture : NormalLeaf colour : Greenclear all
ShowingDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousCollections : 9cm PerennialsSpecial features : Non poisonousEventual Height : 1m-2mSeason of Interest : AutumnSupplied As : PottedEventual Spread : 0.3m-0.6mAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to wildlifeSoil moisture : NormalLeaf colour : Greenclear all