ShowingFacing : SouthSpecial conditions : Dry sunSoil pH : AlkalineEventual Height : 0.3m-0.6mEvergreen/Deciduous : Semi-evergreenCollections : Early Spring ColourDeciduous Or Evergreen : Semi-EvergreenSupplied As : PottedSpecial features : Tough plants that are harder to killSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all
ShowingFacing : SouthSpecial conditions : Dry sunSoil pH : AlkalineEventual Height : 0.3m-0.6mEvergreen/Deciduous : Semi-evergreenCollections : Early Spring ColourDeciduous Or Evergreen : Semi-EvergreenSupplied As : PottedSpecial features : Tough plants that are harder to killSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all