ShowingFacing : WestHow much sun : SunSeason of Interest : AutumnDeciduous Or Evergreen : Semi-EvergreenPot Size : 0 - 9cm PotSoil pH : Don't knowSowing month outside : AprilEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballHardy : YesSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all
ShowingFacing : WestHow much sun : SunSeason of Interest : AutumnDeciduous Or Evergreen : Semi-EvergreenPot Size : 0 - 9cm PotSoil pH : Don't knowSowing month outside : AprilEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballHardy : YesSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all