ShowingFacing : NorthHow much sun : SunSeason of Interest : SpringAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to wildlifePot Size : 1 - 5L PotEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousSoil pH : AcidDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousSpecial features : Tough plants that are harder to killSoil moisture : Dry/SandyLeaf colour : Greenclear all
ShowingFacing : NorthHow much sun : SunSeason of Interest : SpringAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to wildlifePot Size : 1 - 5L PotEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousSoil pH : AcidDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousSpecial features : Tough plants that are harder to killSoil moisture : Dry/SandyLeaf colour : Greenclear all