ShowingSeason of Interest : WinterDeciduous Or Evergreen : EvergreenSoil pH : AcidLight : For Direct SunlightEventual Height : 0.3m-0.6mEvergreen/Deciduous : EvergreenFragrance : Aromatic foliageSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to pollinatorsLeaf colour : GreenSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all
ShowingSeason of Interest : WinterDeciduous Or Evergreen : EvergreenSoil pH : AcidLight : For Direct SunlightEventual Height : 0.3m-0.6mEvergreen/Deciduous : EvergreenFragrance : Aromatic foliageSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to pollinatorsLeaf colour : GreenSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all