ShowingFacing : NorthHow much sun : SunEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousCollections : Early Spring ColourFlower Colour : YellowAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to pollinatorsSoil pH : AcidSeason of Interest : AutumnDeciduous Or Evergreen : EvergreenSpecial features : Stylish in the borderSoil moisture : Normalclear all
ShowingFacing : NorthHow much sun : SunEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousCollections : Early Spring ColourFlower Colour : YellowAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to pollinatorsSoil pH : AcidSeason of Interest : AutumnDeciduous Or Evergreen : EvergreenSpecial features : Stylish in the borderSoil moisture : Normalclear all