ShowingFacing : SouthDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousLight : For Direct SunlightAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to beesFlower Colour : PurpleEventual Spread : 0.6m-0.9mSpecial features : Tough plants that are harder to killSoil moisture : NormalLeaf colour : Greenclear all
ShowingFacing : SouthDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousLight : For Direct SunlightAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to beesFlower Colour : PurpleEventual Spread : 0.6m-0.9mSpecial features : Tough plants that are harder to killSoil moisture : NormalLeaf colour : Greenclear all