ShowingHow much sun : SunDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousEventual Height : 1m-2mAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to butterflies and mothsSoil pH : NeutralSpecial features : Fast growingEventual Spread : 1m-2mSupplied As : SeedsSowing month inside or protected : FebruarySoil moisture : Dampclear all
ShowingHow much sun : SunDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousEvergreen/Deciduous : DeciduousEventual Height : 1m-2mAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to butterflies and mothsSoil pH : NeutralSpecial features : Fast growingEventual Spread : 1m-2mSupplied As : SeedsSowing month inside or protected : FebruarySoil moisture : Dampclear all