ShowingHow much sun : Light shadeFacing : WestEventual Spread : 0.6m-0.9mSeason of Interest : SpringDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousCollections : 9cm PerennialsSpecial features : FloweringSupplied As : PottedEvergreen/Deciduous : Semi-evergreenAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to beesSoil moisture : Dampclear all
ShowingHow much sun : Light shadeFacing : WestEventual Spread : 0.6m-0.9mSeason of Interest : SpringDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousCollections : 9cm PerennialsSpecial features : FloweringSupplied As : PottedEvergreen/Deciduous : Semi-evergreenAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to beesSoil moisture : Dampclear all