ShowingSpecial conditions : Tolerate air pollutionLocation : OutdoorLight : For Direct SunlightAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to butterflies and mothsSoil pH : AlkalineSupplied As : PottedPot Size : 1 - 5L PotSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballSeason of Interest : WinterSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all
ShowingSpecial conditions : Tolerate air pollutionLocation : OutdoorLight : For Direct SunlightAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to butterflies and mothsSoil pH : AlkalineSupplied As : PottedPot Size : 1 - 5L PotSpecial features : Plants that will cope with the odd footballSeason of Interest : WinterSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all