ShowingPerennialsFacing : SouthCollections : Extend The SeasonSpecial features : Plants that show resistance to deer and rabbitsWinter Plant Sale : Perennials & Pond PlantsDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to butterflies and mothsPot Size : 0 - 9cm PotLeaf colour : GreenSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all
ShowingPerennialsFacing : SouthCollections : Extend The SeasonSpecial features : Plants that show resistance to deer and rabbitsWinter Plant Sale : Perennials & Pond PlantsDeciduous Or Evergreen : DeciduousAttractive to wildlife : Attractive to butterflies and mothsPot Size : 0 - 9cm PotLeaf colour : GreenSoil moisture : Dry/Sandyclear all