We all love a cat when it’s our own, but a neighbour’s cat creeping into your garden can cause all sorts of nuisances. From scaring away birds to fouling the lawn, there are plenty of reasons to keep pesky kitties away. Here are a few tips on how to keep cats out of your garden to get you started:
How to Keep Cats Out of Your Garden
1. Prevent the cats getting in
Small, spiky objects can really put off a cat that’s trying to sneak into your garden. For a DIY approach, place some chopsticks in the soil or lay bits of thorny plants in your flowerbeds. Another easy way to do this is using fence spikes.
2. Scare the cats off with light
Cats hate flashing lights, so try stringing up some old CDs along the fence to glint in the sunlight. Placing little bowls of water on the ground will have a similar effect.
3. Use a cat repeller
For a modern solution, you can try an ultrasonic cat repeller. This sends out a high pitched sound, which you won’t hear but keeps the cats at bay.
4. Spray the cats with water
We all know cats aren’t the biggest fans of a bath, so try giving them a little spray from a water pistol – though maybe not a super soaker! You could also try installing a jet spray repeller which when triggered, will spray a shot of water. It’s a sure-fire way to get them out of your garden.
5. Use scents to ward the cats off
Curiously, cats are really repelled by citrus scents. Scattering bits of orange or lemon rind around the garden will help to keep them away.
6. Get a dog
If all else fails, you can’t beat a good hound to scare its feline enemies away.
Please let us know in the comments how these work out, or if you’ve got any more suggestions!
George works in the Primrose marketing team. As a lover of all things filmic, he also gets involved with our TV ads and web videos.
George’s idea of the perfect time in the garden is a long afternoon sitting in the shade with a good book. A cool breeze, peace and quiet… But of course, he’s usually disturbed by his energetic wire fox terrier, Poppy!
He writes about his misadventures in repotting plants and new discoveries about cat repellers.